Washington Legislative Update - October 2018

The United Ways of Washington have endorsed a legislative framework for the 2019 Legislative Session which focuses on four issues that strengthen communities, advance the common good and improve lives.


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Washington Legislative Update - September 2018

While the election season is heating up and capturing the headlines, policy work continues behind the scenes on the state and federal level.  Here's a few news items of interest that deal with homelessness, public assistance and child care.

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Washington Legislative Update - August 2018

In the slow heat of the summer, the 2019 Legislative Session seems so far away. (It starts in 23 weeks) Yet, its during the interim where the policy work gets done and when decision packages are developed for the upcoming budget session.  Here's a few things that are happening that might be of interest to you.

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Washington Legislative Update - June 2018

Here's a few items you might find interesting that we have put on our legislative update page. Between sessions, we hope to send this on a monthly basis.  Let me know if you have information to share that is consistent with United Way Legislative Agenda

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Washington Legislative Update March 14, 2018 - End of Session

The 2018 Legislative Session is over with most bills now before the Governor for his review and signature. A supplemental budget was approved. Here's how the Legislative Agenda of the United Ways of Washington fared this year.

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Washington Legislative Update March 7, 2018

The regular 2018 Legislative Session in Olympia is down to its last two days.  Here's where we stand in the final hours.

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Washington Legislative Update February 28, 2018

Now that both the House (HB 2299) and Senate (SB 6032) have approved versions of a supplemental budget, attention moves to reconciling differences and finishing up on legislation. Just one more week left to get it done! Read on to see how we're doing with our agenda this year.

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Washington Legislative Update February 21, 2018

With 15 days left in the session, attentions turns to the budget and a narrowing set of bills. Read below about the proposed budget by the House Democrats and the final passage of the Breakfast after the Bell bill.

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Washington Legislative Update February 14, 2018

Today, the Legislature clears another hurdle in its self-imposed deadline for bills. After today, only bills that have passed their house of origin can be considered for further action.  Bills that are necessary to implement the budget are exempt from this deadline. Here's where we stand with roughly three weeks remaining in the regular 2018 session:

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Washington Legislative Update February 7, 2018

We are in the fifth week of the 2018 Washington State Legislative Session and attention shifts to the House and Senate floors as lawmakers work to abide by their self-imposed deadlines. After February 14, the House and Senate can only consider bills that have been passed by the other body. Read on to see how we're doing with our priorities this session.

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