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The Issue

Empowering Our Students

United we can achieve an 85% graduation rate in Los Angeles.

Breaking the cycle of poverty starts in the classroom. We are dedicated to improving outcomes for at-risk students. Guided by cutting-edge research, United Way is creating change based in the lasting value of education.

At United Way of Greater Los Angeles, we know that success in school depends on effective teaching, parental engagement, and rigorous preparation for what’s ahead. Our programs deliver on-the-ground support to thousands of students, their teachers and their parents.

Milestones in Education

Through our work, over 48,000 students and parents have the tools and support they need to prepare for graduation and the workforce. 

  • We helped provide after-school support to 24,000 students in either Math or English. 56% improved their Math performance, and 58% improved their English, Language, Arts (ELA) performance.
  • Of 2,000 students tracked since 2007, 84% have successfully completed 9th grade and 71% have successfully completed 10th grade.
  • We’ve provided school leadership training to over 1,400 parents.
  • We’ve engaged 24,000 parents and students in advocacy work to support public education, including our campaign to make A-G college prep courses mandatory.

Building a School Support Network

United Way of Greater Los Angeles supports local organizations who share our passion for better education. We’re working with them to mobilize the entire L.A. community around our most vulnerable students. 

Communities for Los Angeles Student Success (CLASS) is a group of results-oriented organizations dedicated to an equitable education for all students. Participating groups reflect public education’s diverse community of stakeholders: parents, students, educators, civil rights activists and more.

State Resources Where They’re Needed Most: LCFF Funding

California is pioneering a bold new way to fund schools. The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) is a law rooted in equity. It recognizes that students coming from low-income, foster care and English learner backgrounds require additional resources to succeed. Read More...

How can we address systemic educational inequality?

Invest in the students who need the most access and support. Guarantee that LCFF concentration and supplemental funds create opportunities for foster youth, low income students and English learners. Read More...

Inspirational Teachers

Pathways out of poverty begin with the teachers who devote their careers to making school count for vulnerable youth. Read More...

Student Leadership

United Way of Greater Los Angeles stands behind young people willing to work for positive change in their communities.

Our Student Leadership Program, now in its second year, empowers high school students to seek immediate change and to pursue careers where they can continue making a difference. Read More...

Linked Learning

The path to a successful career starts in high school.

By 2020, 67 percent of jobs in the United States will require advanced training and education beyond the high school level. United Way is working with the business community to educate high school students about potential career paths and the role of postsecondary education. Read More...

  • +
  • 11.7K

As of June 2015, we have engaged 11,719 parents, teachers and students to advocate for students' academic success

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  • 44%

Over 24,000 students received after-school support in either Math or English; 56% of students tracked improved their Math performance; 58% improved their English, Language, Arts (ELA) performance.

  • +
  • 1.2K

As of June 2015 secured 1,240 work-based learning opportunities.

How you can help

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