Washington Legislative Update -February 6, 2019

The Working Families Tax Credit proposal gets a hearing this week and other issues are heating up. There's some good reasons to learn more.

Working Families Tax Credit to be heard in committee this Thursday
The House Finance committee will hold a public hearing on the Working Families Tax Credit bill (HB 1527) on Thursday, Feb. 7 at  1:30 p.m. in the House Finance Committee.This is a good time to indicate your support for this legislation which will update and rejuvenate the state’s Working Families Tax Credit law.  In addition to funding the tax credit, the proposed revitalized Working Families Tax Credit would be expanded to more working people, including those without children and working immigrants, while also updating the definition of work. Here’s more on the bill.

Housing Action Alliance urging calls in favor of local option housing investment
The Washington Low Income Housing Action Alliance is urging supporters to contact their legislators in favor of HB 1406 and SB 5646 which would allow counties and cities to keep a portion of the sales tax currently collected to use for affordable homes. This is not a sales tax increase. If every jurisdiction implemented the option, it could generate $400 million across the state in local funding to support the state's investment in the Housing Trust Fund. The House Bill has had a hearing and could be voted on by the House committee this week.

Washington 2-1-1 Lobby Day is next week
The Washington 2-1-1 Lobby Day is February 11. Participants are scheduling their own meetings with legislators but will have a base of operations in the Pritchard Cafeteria for participants to recharge and replenish materials.  A dinner at 6:30 p.m. will celebrate National 211 Day. Here’s more information.
