With the election over and the 2019 session approaching, the House and Senate are preparing by re-organizing their leadership teams and committees. And legislative meetings are happening. This is what we know so far:
Many House Committees are meeting in Olympia this week.
The Senate Democrats, which retained the majority, have elected Sen. Andy Billig of Spokane to be their new majority leader, replacing Sen. Sharon Nelson who is retiring from the Legislature.
The Senate Republicans announced their leadership team for the 2019 session.
New Senate committees have been created to address housing affordability, homelessness and mental health care.
The House Republicans have elected their leadership team for 2019.
House Speaker Frank Chopp said he will step down as speaker after the 2019 session but will remain the state representative for the 43rd Legislative District. House Republican Leader Rep. J.T. Wilcox responded to the announcement.
State Agency Budget Requests for the 2019-21 budget are now available online.
The 2019 Washington State Legislature convenes on January 14. We will be providing more regular updates when session begins. You can sign up for these updates here.
The United Ways of Washington will do its Olympia Lobby Day on February 28. Please save that date and consider joining us as we talk with legislators and staff about our other the United Way Washington Legislative Agenda.
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