Policy Update Webinars

Listen to Our Exclusive Policy Webinars

As part of our effort to share policy expertise on our key issues, we have held webinars with state and national experts.

  • Early Learning & Childcare Briefing -  (Recorded December 2019) Learn about the latest research on mounting costs of child care and listen to the latest policy considerations from representatives of the Early Learning Action Alliance. Here is the Recording. 
  • Housing/Homelessness Policy Update -   (Also Recorded December 2019) Washington Low Income Housing Alliance Policy Director Michele Thomas and local United Way leaders discuss these critical issues. Here is the recording. 
  • Early Learning Webinar Briefing -Kristin Wiggins, State Director of Ready Nation of the Pacific Northwest and Robin Lester, CEO of Child care Aware of Washington, conducted a 60-minute webinar on early learning issues on Tuesday, December 12, 2017. Here is the recording.
  • 211 Webinar Briefing -Tim Sullivan, Washington Information Network 211 and Penni Belcher, 211 Director for United Way of Pierce County, conducted a 60 minute webinar on 211 on Wednesday, December 6, 2017. Here is the recording.
